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科研成果|国科大密码学院最新成果被Inscrypt 2024(CCF-C)接收

  • 文/密码学院
  • 日期:2024-12-26
  • 648

2024年12月,国科大密码学院王跃武研究员指导学生,在20th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology(Inscrypt 2024)会议发表了题为“HiddenStor: A Steganographic Storage System Built on Secret Sharing”的研究论文,提出了一种基于秘密共享的可否认加密存储方案。并于2024年12月15日,在Inscrypt 2024会议现场(昆明)对该研究工作做报告。该研究工作得到了国家重点研发计划(2023YFB3105802)的支持。


Abstract:Steganographic Storage System ensures data confidentiality while allowing users to deny the existence of data under coercion. Existing methods are often challenged by multiple snapshot attacks and performance overhead. To address these issues, we propose HiddenStor, a Steganographic Storage System based on secret sharing. Unlike other schemes, HiddenStor features a deniable encryption scheme that uses high-order polynomial secret sharing to obscure the use of lower-order sharing, thereby enhancing the security of confidential data. In addition, HiddenStor is implemented in hardware, eliminating the need to maintain additional metadata. Therefore, HiddenStor can be transparent to the user, and the user disk read and write operations remain the same as if HiddenStor had not been used. For compatibility with different operating environments, HiddenStor uses a file-based configuration module that allows users to configure it by simply writing files directly, without the need for additional configuration manangenet software. Performance evaluations show that HiddenStor achieves significant improvements in both security and performance over existing solutions.

 论文信息:Siyuan Ma, Yuewu Wang, Chunjing Kou, Peng Wang, Haotian Shi and Jiwu Jing.HiddenStor: A Steganographic Storage System Built on Secret Sharing.Inscrypt 2024.(CCF-C)