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科研成果 | 国科大密码学院最新成果被TC(CCF-A)接收

  • 文/密码学院
  • 日期:2024-11-05
  • 1301

2024年9月,国科大密码学院博士生边毅,在IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) 期刊发表了题为“AsyncGBP+: Bridging SSL/TLS and Heterogeneous Computing Power with GPU-based Providers”的研究论文,通信作者为郑昉昱副教授。该论文提出了一种基于GPU的高性能异构密码学加速框架,通过对密码原语的数据依赖性进行分析,设计了三种不同的工作模式,并实现了对后量子密码算法的加速支持。该研究工作得到国家重点研发计划(2022YFB3103301)的支持。


Abstract:The rapid evolution of GPUs has emerged as a promising solution for accelerating the worldwide used SSL/TLS, which faces performance bottlenecks due to its underlying heavy cryptographic computations. Nevertheless, substantial structural adjustments from the parallel mode of GPUs to the serial mode of the SSL/TLS stack are imperative, potentially constraining the practical deployment of GPUs. In this paper, we propose AsyncGBP+, a three-level framework that facilitates the seamless conversion of cryptographic requests from synchronous to asynchronous mode. We conduct an in-depth analysis of the OpenSSL provider and cryptographic primitive features relevant to GPU implementations, aiming to fully exploit the potential of GPUs. Notably, AsyncGBP+ supports three working settings (offline/online/hybrid), finely tailored for various public key cryptographic primitives, including traditional ones like X25519, Ed25519, ECDSA, and the quantum-safe CRYSTALS-Kyber. A comprehensive evaluation demonstrates that AsyncGBP+ can efficiently achieve an improvement of up to 137.8× compared to the default OpenSSL provider (for X25519, Ed25519, ECDSA) and 113.30× compared to OpenSSL-compatible liboqs (for CRYSTALS-Kyber) in a single-process setting. Furthermore, AsyncGBP+ surpasses the current fastest commercial-off-the-shelf OpenSSL-compatible TLS accelerator with a 5.3× to 7.0× performance improvement.


论文信息:Yi Bian, Fangyu Zheng, Yuewu Wang, Lingguang Lei, Yuan Ma, Tian Zhou, Jiankuo Dong, Guang Fan, Jiwu Jing, “AsyncGBP+: Bridging SSL/TLS and Heterogeneous Computing Power with GPU-based Providers” in IEEE Transactions on Computers. Doi: 10.1109/TC.2024.3477987 (CCF-A)